
Sid and Nancy Conspiracy

(punkbands) ...a former bandmate of Sid Vicious says the iconic bassist was not the one who killed Sid's girlfriend, Nancy Spungen in 1978. "Sid didn't kill Nancy, I know that for a fact. I know who did it. He was a drug dealer from New Jersey who robbed the flat where Nancy was stabbed. Why would Sid rob himself?

The revelation comes from Steve Dior on postchronicle.com. Dior briefly played with Vicious in a band called The Idols.

"This guy's fingerprints were on the knife, but New York Police didn't want to get into it. It was a case closed if they pinned it on Sid, they didn't care if Sid Vicious went to prison. I'm trying to tell more people about it."[see full story for more] - Click here for the Full Story

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