
Judas Priest Legend Calls RIAA Silly

(Blabbermouth) "The Classic Metal Show" recently interviewed legendary JUDAS PRIEST guitarist K.K. Downing about a number of topics, one which was the proposed raise of royalty rates by the RIAA that would, in essence, put Internet radio out of business. Downing stated that he found the proposed royalty rates to be "just ridiculous," and admitted that he's never received a check from the RIAA for royalties allegedly collected in his name by the organization. An excerpt from the conversation follows:

The Classic Metal Show: The Record Industry Association of America. They're going after Internet radio stations to pay a very high royalty rate in order to broadcast copyrighted music. Basically, just to give you the gist of it, in a year's time at the royalty rate they are asking, an Internet radio station that, say, serves 1,000 listeners 365 days a year, the royalty rate that they would have to pay in order to stay in business would equate to about $200,000 a year.

K.K. Downing: Well, that's just ridiculous. That just doesn't stack up, as you say. That just doesn't equate. What's the equation? Who put that together? That's obviously silly. [see full story for more] - Click here for the Full Story

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