
Candiria Shelved

(Lambgoat) The May 2007 issue of Decibel magazine features an informative Candiria article. The piece details the "demise" of Candiria following their serious van accident in 2002.

Of particular interest to Candiria fans is the status of the group's final album, "Kiss The Lie." Candiria's record label, Type A Records, remains hesitant to release the album since Candiria drummer Kenneth Schalk is no longer in the band and the rest of the group refuses to tour without him. Type A president David Bendeth explained his position to Decibel: "Half the reason people loved this band was because they were great musicians who really came into their own playing live. Right now, I have the record and I am waiting to see what shakes out as far as trying to sell this to people without a band.[see full story for more] - Click here for the Full Story

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