
Van Halens Won't Rock The Hall

(Blabbermouth) Joel Selvin of the San Francisco Chronicle recently conducted an interview with Sammy Hagar. On former VAN HALEN bassist Michael Anthony:

"He's my good buddy. It's not him and us against the others. He got thrown out of the band, too. I don't think Ed and Al are going [to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction]. The word I got from our management is that now they said they're not going. Roth'll be there. S -- , he's there right now. He's already got a room. I'm fine with him. I'm fine with Ed and Al. I don't talk to Eddie. I'm not mad at Eddie. I still love the guy. He's just hard to get along with.

"When we were all going, when they were gonna do their tour with Roth that just blew out � I could have told you that; I bet money that would never happen. I would love to see it. They owe it to the fans. They should do it.[see full story for more] - Click here for the Full Story

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