
Warped Backlash?

(punkbands) The most recent Warped confirmations are the Briggs, Madina Lake, Maylene and the Sons of Disaster and The Fold. Head honcho Kevin Lyman posted this message on the Warped Tour site today:

It has been a very interesting Vans Warped tour to book over 4000 submissions, in booking the tour this year I felt that a diverse line-up was in order. The tour has always been a place to explore and discover new music. This years line-up has old school, emo, punk, screamo, hip-hop, more ska than you have seen in a long time and everything in between. If open minded this will be a great show, if you're not this might be the year to stay home and go do something constructive with your lives instead of complaining about the line-up on the message boards. - Click here for the Full Story

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