(PR) Blastmymusic.com is the ultimate tool of empowerment for the recording artist, a way to eliminate the middle man and put the control of sales and distribution where they belong�in the hands of the artists themselves. Blastmymusic.com's 25-year-old founder, Chris Fellure, launched the site in October of 2006 and has already signed artists representing more than 75 different genres, from Ambient to Zydeco.

This site is absolutely free to all customers and there is no charge for artists to join. To use Blastmymusic.com's extraordinarily simple process, artists need only to log on, create a profile, and upload their music, placing the unique MusicBlaster player on their site. Digital downloads sell for only 99 cents a piece, with two-thirds of each sale generated going straight to the artist, immediately after a 30-day fund verification process. The customized MusicBlaster player offers consumers the opportunity to stream 30 seconds of a song and the option to purchase the individual track in the unprotected MP3 form, which means they can play on any brand digital player. Artists themselves can access their accounts in real time to see how many total tracks they've sold, the most popular downloads and the geographic location of those sales, helping to formulate their marketing and promotional plans.
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