
Nirvana Baby

(Blabbermouth) Whatever happened to the naked baby floating in a pool looking at a dollar bill in the famous cover photo from NIRVANA's classic "Nevermind" album? That's the question MTV.com answered this week when it tracked down the tot, named Spencer Elden and now a 17-year-old high school student in Eagle Rock, California.

Elden's parents were paid $200 to allow their friend, photographer Kirk Weddle, to shoot a roll of pictures of the infant Elden swimming for the cover of the iconic 1991 disc.

Now the teen admits that it's a little strange to think that more than nine million people own a nude picture of him. He said, "Yeah, it's kind of creepy that that many people have seen me naked. I feel like I'm the world's biggest porn star." - more on this story

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