
Velvet Revolver Go Soph in July

(Blabbermouth) After scrapping the original May 29 release date, VELVET REVOLVER has settled on July 3 to unveil its second RCA album, "Libertad". Impacting in mid-May, the first single from the set will be "She Builds Quick Machines", one of the four new tracks the group has been playing of late during shows in South America.

"RCA did a bunch of research on what the first single should be," bassist Duff McKagan told Billboard.com last night (April 16) before a gig in Buenos Aires. "I'm pretty anti that stuff. The band had something they wanted to go with, but RCA just kept coming with it. So we decided, it's fine. It's a great f*ckin' rock song. It has a kick-ass guitar riff, a great chorus, a really big bridge and a great Slash solo."[see full story for more] - Click here for the Full Story

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