
Gilby Denies Leaving TV Band

(Blabbermouth) Former GUNS N' ROSES guitarist Gilby Clarke has shot down reports that he has left ROCK STAR SUPERNOVA, the band he formed with Tommy Lee (M�TLEY CR�E), Jason Newsted (VOIVOD, ex-METALLICA) and Canadian vocalist Lukas Rossi.

ET Canada reported earlier in the week that ROCK STAR SUPERNOVA was "over" following Clarke's decision to leave the band. However, in a statement issued earlier today (Saturday, April 14), Clarke said, "I have not left ROCK STAR SUPERNOVA. We just finished the tour. I don't know where they got that from. I did an interview with ET Canada, and we talked about the future of the band, but I never said I've left the band."[see full story for more] - Click here for the Full Story

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