Staff Meeting: DeadSun
(antiMusic) A lot of people work hard to make antiMusic what it is. So with our 8th anniversary we felt it was time to spotlight each writer so you can get to know them a little better. Over the next few weeks we will be posting a small portion of each staff person's new profile page. So let's get to know DeadSun a little better.

DeadSun is from a puritanical planet called New England. Massachusetts, to be precise and has been with antiMusic since Rocktober of 2004. The first albums (cassettes actually) he purchased were Twisted Sister's "Stay Hungry" and Iron Maiden's "Number of the Beast" and his first concert was Black Sabbath, circa 1976. "I was 'in utero', if you catch my drift." . He lists Frank Zappa, Ramones, Motorhead, John Coltrane, Henry Rollins, Lou Reed, Misfits (mostly Danzig-era),Iron Maiden, Godflesh, and New Kids on the Block as his Top 10 Favorite artist (see the full story for why on the last one). His musical pet peeve is "Cheese dick white 'boyz' who employ the use of ebonics, in a piss weak attempt to affect an air of 'street cred, yo'". His favorite part of antiMusic is " Very democratic. No one specific genre or sub-genre is sheepishly pandered to. That's rare, and Keavin is light years ahead of the trend curve in this respect." Click the full story to learn more about DeadSun and discover who he thinks should be the Pope of Rock n Roll, find out why he hates Jimmy Buffett and Jerry Garcia with the fire of a thousand LiveSuns and a lot more!
- Click here for the Full Story

Note: The preceding story contained only the highlights of the full story published by antiMusic, if it was followed by a message to see the full story. To read the entire story click on the link following the story.

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