
Radiohead CD in 07?

(antiMusic) Bad news for all creeps, Radiohead are not planning to release their new album anytime this year. This according to a press release from Capitol Records. However, we do have good news for those lucky enough to attend the North American shows we wrote about yesterday. Capitol Records says that "Set lists for the shows will draw heavily on the newer material the band has been working on over the past months."

If you missed yesterday's story, click that handy full story link and the upcoming dates will magically appear! (and to the moron that emailed us about yesterday's article, with the exception of you, we were not calling our readers "creeps.," It's our petname for Radioheads culled from the band's famous song "Creep". (Similar to our bastardization of the term sweathog to describe Kelly Osbourne's 3 fans) See you do learn something everyday. Please don't email mail to bitch us out unless you know what you are talking about. That way, at least one side of the exchange will be informed.) - Click here for the Full Story

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