iPod's Illegal in OC
(tinfoil) Not only will they make you deaf, but apparently listening to your iPod with earbuds/headphones in/covering both ears is illegal in Orange County as this poor Suicide Girl found out, "i was just on the bus. doing typical travel things. you know, listening to my ipod, staring out the window, day dreaming about ice cream and puppy dogs. a few stops before mine, a sheriff's car pulls in front of the bus with its lights on. he gets on, moves to the back and an undercover informs a woman that she's being cited for wearing headphones. apparently, having both headphones on while in a bus is a crime. they take her info. they are about to leave when the undercover notices me with my ipod. do you have your id, he rudely asked. i asked why. he informs me that what i'm doing is illegal. that i can only have one earphone in at a time...." [Gotta love the OC Sheriffs Dept if this is true. She should have asked him how the dept was handling the bribery charges against an assistant sheriff and how the other assistant sheriff's son's sexual assault case was going... see full story for more] - Click here for the Full Story

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