
TRL Sucks but Vote For Us Anyway...

(Rockdirt) Hellogoodbye posted the following message on their official website: "I know how many of you feel about MTV... and our cohorting around with such company, but it would be truly sweethearted of you if you could find it in your heart to put all of that aside and vote for us anyways. Cause I mean, heres the deal. Our songs aren't gonna be any different if they're played on TV or the radio or not, but the exposure definitely helps the livelyhood of the band. Not even so much financially but more so just that the more stuff like that that rolls our way the more we're gonna tour, the more small cities we'll be able to visit when we're out, the more love we'll get a chance to put into our next record and everything. It really just creates more and larger opportunities to do what we want to do, make music. Plus it helps our record label, Drive Thru Records, out in many ways.[see full story for more] - Click here for the Full Story

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