
Sharon Sucks Pt 47

(Rock N Roll Universe) In a brand new, exclusive interview conducted by Rock N Roll Universe drum legend Carmine Appice discusses his entire career, from his early days in VANILLA FUDGE, CACTUS, BECK, BOGERT & APPICE, through his years spent with ROD STEWART, KING KOBRA, OZZY OSBOURNE and BLUE MURDER, all the way to his present activities with TRAVERS & APPICE. Also covered in the interview are the drummer's recollections of LED ZEPPELIN'S first U.S. tour where the rock legends opened for VANILLA FUDGE, the upcoming CACTUS reunion at this summer's Sweden Rock Fest, as well as possible BLUE MURDER and BECK BOGERT & APPICE reunions.

A short excerpt from the interview follows :Rock N Roll Universe : The reality show really kind of tore down a lot of credibility that Ozzy had with the hard rock/metal community unfortunately..

Carmine Appice : Yeah, but look what she built. She built up Ozzfest, it's unbelievable. It's amazing what she did. She got cancer... I guess we were always considered "the enemy" with Sharon after that because I sued her. What she said in the press. The same thing she said about Billy Corgan, "He left for medical reasons, he made me sick." When I heard her say that about him I said, "God, can't you think up a new one? You said that 20 years ago about me." But had I stayed with them it would've been great. Because when I went with them, I told Ozzy and Sharon, "I'm looking for a home, I don't want to be jumping around anymore I want to stay with a band." I had offers to go out on tour with other people for big money, but I decided to go with them because they were looking for someone to stay with them, too. I let her know that I always got a lot of press in America, which I did at the time. They didn't like the fact that I was doing sold out master classes in every market, making a lot of money from it. I hadmy own press agent, I had my own t-shirts on tour, which she okay'd the deal. You can read about that in the Motley Crue book, 'The Dirt.' She cut the heads off of my t shirts, hundreds of my t shirts. How long does that take to do? (Laughs) I couldn't believe one day my one drum riser didn't work, when I had a full page ad in the Cincinnati paper that talked about the drum solo was the biggest effect. It wasn't my idea, it was their idea. I said that in the article. That they designed it, I'm just the one that plays it. But it is the biggest effect in the show. Unfortunately that night, it didn't work. So, I asked Bob Daisley, "Hey Bob, would she sabotage her own show to try and make me look stupid?" Bob looked at me and said, "Oh, without a doubt." So, next thing I know, 4 weeks later, maybe sooner, she fired me. She said, "Your name is too big, you need to start your own band. We need someone who's more of a sideman, like Tommy Aldridge." Gee thanks. (Laughs)[see full story for the full interview] - Click here for the Full Story

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