
Altercation Bridge

(Blabbermouth) ALTER BRIDGE have issued a statement refuting LIVING THINGS singer Lillian Berlin's claims that the 26-year-old vocalist/guitarist's brother, drummer Bosh Berlin, 21, and the band's touring guitarist, Corey Becker, were attacked and beat up onstage Wednesday night (June 14) during a show at the Rohstofflager club in Zurich, Switzerland, by the crew of the band ALTER BRIDGE and at least one member of that band. ALTER BRIDGE's statement reads as follows:

"As some of you may know, claims have been made that ALTER BRIDGE band members and crew attacked an opening band on stage during their set in Zurich, Switzerland the night of June 14, 2006. That is simply not true.[see full story for more] - Click here for the Full Story

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