
Audioslave Split?

(Blabbermouth) Hits Daily Double , the companion web site of music industry tip sheet HITS, reports: "AUDIOSLAVE's third album, the Brendan O'Brien-produced 'Revelations', is slated for a Sept. 5 release, but insiders are saying this will be the band's last, with Chris Cornell splitting for a solo career. A previous summer tour has already been canceled. [see full story for a tidbit about a RATM reunion] - Click here for the Full Story

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N' Syncer Gay - antiMUSIC News


N' Syncer Gay

(TMZ) Lance Bass says he's gay and in a stable relationship with a reality show star.

Over the last few months, TMZ shot video of Bass and "Amazing Race" winner Reichen Lehmkuhl, and although there was a buzz the two were a couple, they went to considerable lengths not to be seen in the same shot. In one video, as they walked through a park in New York together and saw the cameras, they immediately separated.

Now, Bass reveals to People he is indeed gay and in a "very stable" relationship with Lehmkuhl. Bass told People that he feared coming out while he was in the boy band 'N Sync because he felt "it would overpower everything." [now that's a big shock� read more at the full story link] [see full story for more] - Click here for the Full Story

Note: The preceding story is a summary of the full story published by TMZ, if it was followed by a message to see the full story. To read the entire story click on the link following the story.

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