
Simple Fur Plan

(Peta) On the brink of a 22-stop European tour, Montr�al-based punk band Simple Plan is more in demand now than ever before following the release of their latest album, SP Hard Rock Live, in October. But that didn't stop the members of the band from hooking up with their pals at peta2�PETA's youth division�when they recently played in PETA's hometown of Norfolk, Va., where they recorded several no-holds-barred anti-fur voicemail recordings, downloadable at peta2.com.

"Hey, what's up?" begins one of the tamer versions. "This is Simple Plan. Seriously, it's really us, and the person you're calling and us, Simple Plan, agree on one thing�that fur is for animals and not for clothing, so don't buy fur!"

Visitors to peta2.com can not only download one of the greetings, they can also register to win a digital camera�complete with exclusive photos of the band members that were taken backstage before their Norfolk performance.[see full story for more] - Click here for the Full Story

Note: The preceding story is a summary of the full story published by Peta, if it was followed by a message to see the full story. To read the entire story click on the link following the story.

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They call you
What do you think ?:

Posted by Tish:
Simple Plan, those guys are doing a world of good, it's great that tha guys took tha time and tha effort to help PETA they have tha biggest hearts thanks so much

Posted by Holly:
Simple Plan are the greatest Band in the world..there the only band that gives a damn about things apart from girls and money..they are the true role Models