Songwriters Vs RIAA
(CMJ) According to The Hollywood Reporter, the Recording Industry Association Of America is lobbying to reduce rates on royalties paid to songwriters. Citing general music industry change, RIAA Executive Vice President and General Council Steven Marks told the Reporter that they're hoping to ensure that "record companies can continue to create the sound recordings that drive revenues for music publishers."

To defend their members' income, three songwriting and publishing organizations 'National Music Publishers' Association, Inc., the Songwriters Guild Of America and the Nashville Songwriters Association International submitted a case to the Library Of Congress's Copyright Royalty Judges. In a letter to his organization's members, NMPA President and CEO David Israelite said, "This rate proceeding may be the most significant event for music publishers and songwriters in a generation. Mechanical rights comprise a significant part of the income stream for our industry. The NMPA is battling for rates that accurately reflect your contribution to the world of music. We are fighting on your behalf for fair compensation for your hard work." Whether increased or decreased, the Copyright Royalty Judges will introduce a new statutory rate effective January 1, 2008.[see full story for more] - Click here for the Full Story

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