Smoke This
(hecklerspray) [Not Music related but an interesting story about how far political correctness has gone�] It's hard to watch Tom And Jerry cartoons with children these days. Not because Tom And Jerry relentlessly torture each other with knives, anvils and explosive devices, but because they sometimes smoke.

Luckily, one other Tom And Jerry viewer in the whole country agrees with us here. They complained to TV watchdog Ofcom about how inappropriate it was for children to see images of smoking in cartoons, and have been rewarded with the news that 1,700 cartoons are going to be edited for cartoon smoking. Of course, it's ludicrous to think that children will want to take up smoking after watching a Tom And Jerry cartoon - for instance, we've seen hundreds of Tom And Jerry cartoons and we've never smoked a cigarette. We've exploded more than 50 cats with sticks of dynamite, but we've never smoked a cigarette. - Click here for the Full Story

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