
Newsted Vs Axl

(Metal Sludge) Metal Sludge has posted a Q&A with Jason Newsted, here is what happened when the questions turned towards Axl Rose�

Do you think Axl Rose will release "Chinese Democracy" this year?

Jason: "Yeah, sure. Whatever. SUPERNOVA's album will be out before his."

You've crossed paths with Axl. Is he crazy or is he a genius?

Jason: "I haven't spent enough time with him to give a judgment like that. As a fan coming out to see their favorite band, and having the singer walk offstage or throw the mic down in frustration because the monitors were funky, it's not professional and it's not giving the people what they came for. Man, we did like 50 shows with Axl. We used the same monitors every night. I don't remember James or myself complaining once about that kind of stuff. The dude recorded some great vocal on some great rock songs, but you don't sell 50,000 tickets and walk off the stage. F*ck that!" [see full story for a lot more including crazy groupies, Tommy Lee etc etc etc�] - Click here for the Full Story

Note: The preceding story is a summary of the full story published by Metal Sludge, if it was followed by a message to see the full story. To read the entire story click on the link following the story.

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