
Censored Carcass

(Blabbermouth) Former CARCASS frontman Jeff Walker has sent the following update to BLABBERMOUTH.NET:

"My [solo] album, 'Welcome to Carcass Cuntry', has had the release date put back in the U.S. to 28th May. WEA, who distribute Lumberjack/Mordam, have now objected to the sleeve and want to sticker it 'cos of the 'explicit content' � i.e. the word 'c***ry,' which, of course, can't be offensive as it's not even a real word and also because of the word 'f***.' Oh, how shocking � I could have sworn that word was in the Oxford English Dictionary. Maybe that should have a parental warning, too? How ironic � I did a JOHN DENVER cover in respect of the fact that he testified against the PMRC and now my album's being stickered � an album upon which one of his songs appears![see full story for more] - Click here for the Full Story

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