
Maiden Vs Sharon Relief

(BW&BK) After the unfortunate incidents at the last Maiden appearance at Ozzfest, fans put up a website looking to send Sharon Osbourne and the Ozzfest sponsors a letter to let them know how they felt.

Here's how Sanctuary music reacted: "I just got a call from someone at Sanctuary music. They and the band are aware of the project and are floored by the effort put forth by their fans. However, they want to put this thing behind them and they have requested that the money raised be given to the Red Cross for Katrina relief. [Fans were raising money for an anti Sharon ad in Billboard... see full story for more, it's worth the click over] - Click here for the Full Story

Note: The preceding story is a summary of the full story published by BW&BK, if it was followed by a message to see the full story. To read the entire story click on the link following the story.

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