
Rock Ridge Unsigned

(Press Release) Artist development company/label Rock Ridge Music is set to launch a new offering on October 1st. Entitled Rock Ridge Unsigned, the program will provide unsigned bands with a premium online digital-only distribution avenue, as well as fully-integrated online marketing support. A campaign would include a new release bulletin to over 500 online media outlets (including major portals such as AOL, MSN, Launch/Yahoo, etc.), streaming media services, airplay on the newly-launched Rock Ridge Radio station (http://www.rockridgeradio.com), and inclusion in their ringtone store. Digital distribution would be via all expected online outlets (i.e. iTunes, Napster, MusicMatch, Real, etc., and all emerging respectable digital sales portals). In order for consideration, artists must be unsigned and have a finished EP or full-length ready for distribution.

Rock Ridge plans to scout artists for this program through the Internet, through their extensive network of street team members, and organically through word-of-mouth. They will also accept submissions, and prospective bands for the Unsigned program are encouraged to email the label at info@rockridgemusic.com to start the submission process.[see full story for more] - Click here for the Full Story

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