
R. Kelly is Ridiculous

(punkbands) Here is the latest from Saves The Day in the studio: OK, sorry to do this here, but i can't take it. R. kelly is ridiculous. As a matter of fact, he's so out of his mind that we've created a new word for him- RIDICULATY!!!!! that's right, saves the day is starting a feud with r. kelly. We can't take it anymore. "trapped in the closet" is the most insane piece of crap i've ever seen. i can't be the only one who's flabbergasted at how bad this "song" is. unbelievable. almost as bad as my spelling. his acting performance of it on the vma's was painful to watch. he is out of his mind. and if you haven't heard his new "song" called "sex in the kitchen", you don't know what you're missing. that is, if you consider not hearing a song about "cutting up tomatoes, fruits and vegetables and potatoes" as missing out. he can't be serious. he must be stopped. who will join us in this fight? tell a friend. pete[see full story for more] - Click here for the Full Story

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