
NoManZero Vs Chinese Gov

(Press Release) Yeah, that's right, New Tang Dynasty Television out of New York City has completed production of the video for NoManZero's latest song, "Bye Bye CCP". We should warn you though, this video is not for the faint hearted and all scenes are real with no actors involved. Oh yeah, one last thing, if you dare to watch this video you will be breaking the law of the mainland Chinese Communist Government who have already banned it.

But we rock n rebels in NoManZero don't care and neither does New Tang Dynasty Television who will soon be broadcasting it to it's 200 million Chinese viewers on four continents (they rent time on four satillites in space and reach these 200 million Chinese viewers which is less than 15% of the 1.4 billion Chinese worldwide !! )The video can now be streamed from our band's website, www.NoManZero.com . The band's hopes are that the video will do it's small part to help those in China that want to relax, rock out and just plain be free like the rest of us over here be able to do just that without interference and censorship from an uptight government. Keep on Rockin in the Free World !!![see full story for more] - Click here for the Full Story

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