
Possible Alice Cooper Reunion?

(Rock N Roll Universe) In a brand new, exclusive interview conducted by Rock N Roll Universe, original Alice Cooper Group guitarist Michael Bruce discusses his days in the Alice Cooper Group, his brand new 'Second Coming Of Michael Bruce: Alive & Re-Cooperated' live CD, the recently released Alice Cooper 'Good To See You Again Alice Cooper' DVD as well as possible plans for a reunion of the original band. An excerpt from the interview follows :

RNRU : A couple of years ago it was reported that you were working on a new studio album by the name of 'The Dark Side Of Love'. What's the status on that, and when can we see that released?

MB : Well, here's what happened. I've got pretty much most of it done. Neal(Smith) called me up, and he was telling me a story about how Bob Ezrin got out of L.A.. He's from Toronto, so he wanted to be closer to his family, so Bob bought a place back there in Connecticuit and they've been hanging out and whatnot. Bob had said to Neal, "We ought to get together and do one more album." And, that was kind of music to Neal's ears. We need to find some songs, so I guess the thing is potentially there, except I guess we have to sort of audition the songs. (Laughs) Rather than, it used to be, when the band was the BAND, and we had a record deal, those were our songs, and we had to make the best of them, and guess what, they turned out to be great hits. Now that there's no band anymore, and Alice is the guy, we submit songs to Bob Ezrin and Alice, and if they don't think they're good enough, then it doesn't happen. It's very strange to say the least. So I told Neal, "Well, I'm putting this album out, and I've got a bunch of tunes on it that could be Cooper tunes just like they were before." He said, "Why don't you send some, I'll let Bob hear them, and see what he thinks." So, I kind of held off releasing the album, and I swore I wouldn't do this again, because that's what I did with 'In My Own Way.' I held off on that, and it never happened, then I went and did 'Battle Axe' with The Billion Dollar Babies. That almost happened, but it didn't. (Laughs) So, I said that I wasn't going to do it, but at this point in time if it could be the catalyst for us coming together again, even if it's just writing some songs, that'd be great.[see full story for more] - Click here for the Full Story

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