I Ate Your Website
(IAYM) [from one of our news sources - I Ate Your Microphone. they decided to shutdown their site]Greetings to all visitors - past and present. I am here to write the last post for I Ate Your Microphone. For two years we have provided some pretty good content, with frequent reviews, news, release dates, and more. We may have even brought a lot of new music into your playlist. For the past two months, we have been struggling as you can tell by the dire look of the site's content. We've lost interest, ran out of money, and have little time. From Chris, Dan and myself (Mike), we want to thank you all for one hell of a great experience. Sometime soon the site will disappear when our hosting runs out. We'll keep our email addresses though so feel free to contact via email. IAYM Team, Out. - Click here for the Full Story

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