
Axl Lost It?

(Day in Rock) [Humor is always needed at the beginning of the week. This isn't news but the following comes from an actual post on the Dizzy Reed message board from a Russian woman going by the name of Lada. subject "Dizzy,tell Axl to stop play the fool with people."] Dizzy,tell Axl to stop play the fool with people.He is not going to realize this new GnR album till he solve his personal problems.And his problems he'll never solve without me.In november 1993 he has lost something very important and valuable for him. This thing Im keeping during the last 12 years.I guess he was looking for me to take it back,looking in China,and may be in another Asian countries,because he doesn't know my name and my residence,only how do i look like.I know it's sounds strange,but im sure if he'll read this,he'll understand what is it all about. - Click here for the Full Story

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