
Adler Vs Axl

(BW&BK) Former GUNS N' ROSES drummer Steven Adler (ADLER'S APPETITE) recently called into The Hairball John Radio Show to talk about a new Adler's Appetite vocalist and their recent EP. Adler also shared some great memories regarding Guns N' Roses' glory days as well as his very personal view regarding the yet to be released Chinese Democracy.

Hairball John: "Steven, in your opinion, do you think we will ever see Chinese Democracy, Axl Rose's new version of Guns N' Roses, hit the streets?"

Steven Adler: "If you do, God bless Axl. That's all I can say, is God bless him. I think he should get his head out of his ass, and I think we should put the band back together because that's what the fans want. I know Izzy and Slash and Duff would totally do it. It's just a matter of Axl. You know I hope he puts this record out and it does what he wants it to do and I hope he lives happily ever after, the Jackass! No, I'm kidding." [see full story for more] - Click here for the Full Story

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