
MTV Decline

mtv osbournes jessica simpson real world
(FMQB) With the departure of The Osbournes, Newlyweds: Nick & Jessica and The Ashlee Simpson Show, MTV is finding itself in a bit of a ratings slump. The network's new shows, such as Meet the Barkers and Cameron Diaz's Trippin', have not matched the ratings success of their reality predecessors, and even the old standby, The Real World, has lost some of its power.

An article from the Hollywood Reporter notes that while the first quarter notched MTV's eighth straight first-quarter growth period, the network saw its 10 to 11 p.m. showcase, The 10 Spot, drop off, decreasing by 10 percent to 1.14 million in the 12-34 target demographic from last year. In April, The 10 Spot's drop grew to 22 percent and its total-day ratings dipped by seven percent. Meanwhile, Newlyweds' ratings fell by 29 percent to 1.5 million in 12-34 in the first quarter from the previous season, and The Real World had a similar decline. [see full story for more] - Click here for the Full Story

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