
Alexisonfire Miss A Beat

(Digital Noise) Alexisonfire has parted ways with drummer Jesse Ingelevis.

An official statement from the band posted at their website www.theonlybandever.com, reads as follows: "Well, as you know, Jesse had to leave tour a while ago for personal reasons. Jesse was still in the band throughout the Much Music and message board rumours. Infact, he came with us to the Playstation promo and the Juno`s. That being said, he needed to be at home attending to his personal issues and we needed to move forward as a band. ....We are happy to announce that our great friend, touring buddy and all round dude, Jordan Hastings will be playing the part of drummer in Alexisonfire. We have toured with Jordan back when he was in the band, Jersey. Over the past few months he has become an even better friend and asset to Alexisonfire. [see full story for the full statement with all the little details] - Click here for the Full Story

Note: The preceding story is a summary of the full story published by Digital Noise, if it was followed by a message to see the full story. To read the entire story click on the link following the story.

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