
Anka In-Store

(press release) On June 9th, legendary singer Paul Anka will be making a special in-store appearance at the Lincoln Center Tower Records store in New York. Mr. Anka is expected to arrive at 6:00pm and will be in attendance to sign copies of his highly anticipated "Rock Swings" album - a collection of 80's-mid 90's rock cover tunes. If you're in the New York area this is a great chance for you to pick up one of the most talked about albums of the year and meet one of the greatest big band singers of all time.

PAUL ANKA/ROCK SWINGS Tower Records In-Store
Thursday, June 9th @ 6pm
1961 Broadway (Lincoln Center) - New York, NY 10023 [click the full story link to check out the online player. You gotta hear it!]
- Click here for the Full Story

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