
Which Moyet?

(Press Release) Alison Moyet's been a card-carrying punk, a blues wailer, and a dance-floor diva. She's taken one of the most expressive voices in pop music and used it to achingly depict the depths of despair and the unchecked joys of love, selling 20 million albums worldwide along the way. And now, with her new album, Voice (in stores September 6th on Sanctuary Records), Moyet takes her career down another startling path. Eschewing her own compositions, Moyet recorded standards and contemporary pop songs by brilliant songwriters George Gershwin, Elvis Costello and even Burt Bacharach. For an artist who normally writes her own songs, Voice allowed Moyet to immerse her creativity into her vocals, tackling tones and phrasing that were surprisingly new to her after 25 years of worldwide success. - Click here for the Full Story

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