
AHC Ripped Off

(Blabbermouth) According to the St. Paul Pioneer Press, a vandal broke into AMERICAN HEAD CHARGE's trailer � which was parked outside of their rehearsal space in Minneapolis � on Wednesday (August 24) and made off with an estimated $15,000 worth of high-end amps and other gear.

"It seems like it was somebody who knew what they were doing," guitarist Benji Helberg told the St. Paul Pioneer Press. "All the really good, high-end stuff was ripped off."

Even if the gear isn't recovered, AMERICAN HEAD CHARGE will go ahead with their scheduled appearance at an all-ages gig Saturday at First Avenue. Proceeds from the show will benefit the family of former AHC guitarist Bryan Ottoson, who died in April from a prescription drug overdose while the band was on tour with MUDVAYNE.[see full story for more] - Click here for the Full Story

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