
Free Music

(Madstone Records) Offering free music downloads can be vital for the survival of new bands. However, the backlash of illegal filesharing has many repercussions. For progressive DIY singer/songwriter Terami Hirsch, the main consequence is not losing money, it's losing the intimate lifeline between an artist and their growing audience. "Downloading music is a relatively anonymous activity, whether it's legal or not," Terami observes. "Although it's an effective way to sample new music, listeners take it for granted, expecting less and less of a connection with the artist."

To shake up this digital rut, Terami created a promotional music series in addition to the downloads she offers on her site (www.terami.com). The promotional projects feature fully packaged albums to be offered and shipped, free of charge. These limited edition recordings have become an integral part of her alternative/pop catalogue.[see full story for more] - Click here for the Full Story

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