
Crisis Tribute Dimebag

(antiMusic) Our very own Morley Seaver kicked off his Morleyview series with an interview with Crisis frontwoman Karyn Crisis. In the interview Karyn revealed that the next album may include a Dimebag tribute. An excerpt of the interview is below.

antiMusic: Have any ideas emerged for the next record?

Karyn Crisis: "We've had a couple of jams. One jam we started before we hit the road. It's a really cool, powerful, brooding kind of jam. The other one kind of came out unexpectedly. When we were on tour we played Alrosa Villa which we've played many, many times before and that's where the whole Dimebag tragedy happened. So going there, everybody felt a lot of trepidation about being on that stage again, just because it was such a heavy moment. It was a real tragedy and it just felt really strange. We all went to just give our energies and good vibes upward, towards that whole situation. We were all feeling a little depressed about it and the guys set up to do soundcheck and I actually stayed at the hotel to work on something to say that evening. We were all disconnected and the guys said they felt OK until they stepped on to the stage to do the soundcheck and then a dark mood fell on everyone. So they just started jamming and somehow they jammed for an hour and a really amazing jam piece came out of it. So that's the second piece that we'll be working on and pretty soon we'll start jamming and writing the next record and that's pretty much all we're going to do until the EXODUS tour and then afterwards until the next year�.we're going to write and record."

See the full story link to checkout the entire interview.
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