(MNRK) Texas Hippie Coalition release the hilariously entertaining animated video for their recently released track, "Bones Jones." The video was directed by musician Edsel Dope and co-directed by David Perada, and animated by Makinita Silva. The video tells the crazy story of the character Bones Jones, with the heavy riffs on the tracks setting the manic mood.
"In our hometown, there was a guy named 'Bones'," says Ritch. "He was about six-foot-seven-inches tall like Lurch from The Addams Family. I'd get weed from him, but he sold everything you could think of. Just weed for me though," he chuckles.
Texas Hippie Coalition released their new album, Gunsmoke, via MNRK Heavy earlier this month. On Gunsmoke, Big Dad Ritch and his crew wholeheartedly embrace their country and Southern rock stylings as well as a lifelong passion for westerns.
With drinks poured, fists raised, and smiles wide, TEXAS HIPPIE COALITION (THC) always know how to have a good time. A collective of tried-and-true rabble-rousers and dyed-in-the-wool storytellers, the Texas quintet-Big Dad Ritch [vocals], Cord Pool [guitar], Nevada Romo [guitar], Rado Romo [bass], and Joey Mandigo [drums]-spike ass-whopping hard rock with a kick of country swagger and a whole lot of Texas grit and gusto.
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