(hennemusic) Sammy Hagar is sharing a video trailer for his new package, "Lockdown 2020", ahead of its release on January 8th. The project presents songs featured in the group's Lockdown Sessions series, which saw Hagar, guitarist Vic Johnson, bassist Michael Anthony and drummer Jason Bonham record virtual video performances of classic tracks in isolation from their own homes.
The series featured 2020 versions of tunes originally done by The Who, Van Halen, Bob Marley, AC/DC and others, including the addition of a new recording of David Bowie's 1977 classic, "Heroes." with all proceeds from the song to be donated to food banks across America.
"When we first started doing these lockdown sessions, it was only meant to stay in touch with the fans until we could get back out on the road again," Hagar explains. "But as the weeks and months drew on, it also became a fun way to keep the band together, musically and creatively." Watch the trailer here.
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