
  Filter Vocalist Comes Clean on Defecation Publicity Stunt. 

08-07-02 antiGUY
It started as a boastful posting on Filter�s web site as sort of a way to take a jab at rock critics in Chicago. Filter vocalist told fans that while his band was in Chicago on August 1st playing the House of Blues he defecated in the dressing room to send a message to Chicago journalist of what he thought of them. Now it turns out it wasn�t true. 

Here is Richard�s original message as he Posted it on the Filter website this past Sunday (8-4): "We played to a sold-out concert in Chicago at the Ronald McDonald House Of Burger King Blues, complete with a packed crowd and a willingness to piss off local critics...Except for the fans, that town has never given us any respect, and at this point I don't even care. So, we took a s**** in the dressing room and moved on to Detroit."

Now Richard admits that it was all a joke. When asked about the incident he told a report for Yahoo�s Launch Media, �Basically it was just a little punk thing I put in the 'Rich Words' [a section of the filter site] It was a joke...When you play the House Of Blues it's a bit of a franchise, so I just wanted to let my fans to know that, yeah, I took a big ol' crap in the toilet just to punk rock it up a bit. It was just a joke. I think I had a couple of beers in me, too."

Why should we care either way? Well it was a slow news day so there you have it, Filter got what they wanted some press.

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