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Whitesnake's David Coverdale Ponders Retiring Next Year 2020 In Review

Keavin Wiggins | 12-21-2020

Whitesnake's David Coverdale Ponders Retiring Next Year 2020 In Review

Photo courtesy Freeman Promotions

Whitesnake's David Coverdale Ponders Retiring Next Year was a top 20 story of April 2020: Whitesnake frontman David Coverdale has once again revealed that he is thinking about retiring from music and sees next year, when he turns 69, as the perfect time to hang up his microphone.

Coverdale made the comments during an interview with WRIF in Detroit. He said, "I have a feeling it's gonna take a little while to get things back to any semblance of what we knew before.

"So what we have to do is think outside the box. I have to get this surgery and get up and running. And what better age for the Whitesnake lead singer to go out and retire on, 69. [he laughs]

He elaborated "I've always written songs that challenge me as a vocalist, and I'm 68 now. So, I think 69 would be appropriate for Whitesnake's lead singer [to retire], wouldn't you?"

This isn't the first time that Coverdale has flirted with the idea of retiring from music. A few years ago he shared his desire to retire following the touring cycle for "The Purple Album".

He said in in 2016, "This will be my farewell. I'm looking at retiring next year, on the 30th anniversary of the 1987 album." But a few months later he told told Metropolis Radio "When I was mixing The Purple Album I'm going, 'Man, how long do I have to do this?' But in essence it's re-energized me. I was totally honest - I thought, 'This is probably it.'

"But I had an incredibly good time on tour with my musicians It just makes it more inspiring to look at the future for new stuff with these guys. I have no desire to hang up my rock'n'roll sneakers just yet."

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