
Singled Out: Integrity's Flames Of The Immortal

Integrity released a new split EP with Krieg today and to celebrate we asked Dwid Hellion to tell us about the track "Flames Of The Immortal." Here is the story:

Flames Of The Immortal is most likely a religious song. Dealing with the misinterpretations and corruption of Biblical text throughout human history. Emperor Constantine and The First Council of Nicaea decided which books should be included in the official Bible and which would not. They also did a fair share of editing and reimagining of the scripture. In some cases, the reimagining was so complete that the content and moral of the story was warped into an inversion of the original intended scripture.

Coupling this concept through the abstract nature of Dada poets like Tristan Tzara, Andre Breton, Paul Eluard, and the like, I tried to create a surreal storyline that would both inform contempt while questioning belief and its contaminated and corrupted state, yet not being a cautionary tale. This is not an attempt to expose the Church in a negative light, rather to celebrate its true evil nature.

I find that in the metal community that most enthusiasts are vehemently opposed to the Bible, yet their reasoning is that the Bible and the Church are "evil". The irony of this is that extreme metal music is often themed around evil from the perspective of Satanic or Luciferian ideals. My thinking is that the Church is most definitely one of the most evil constructs of man, and therefore it should be lauded for its innumerable evils. But, I do tend to be quite sentimental towards the classics.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen for yourself and learn more about the album right here!


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