CalatrilloZ is a symphonic rock band from London, and the symphonic side of its character is especially obvious during "Lords of Misery," where the group gets all grandiose, like early Queen. The rock is hard, but the vocals are layered and operatic. Hailing from London, this act is described as "wanderers gathered from the darkened fringes of time" disguised as a circus troupe performing where they briefly rest in their ceaseless search. It's been said rock & roll is derived from the blues, but you can hardly see the genetic link in CalatrilloZ's music. This is passionate, but ultimately soul-less music. It's the sort of music you can respect, without really enjoying, if that makes any sense. The band is proficient, instrumentally, but it all begins to weigh down the senses after a while. It's titled Psalms of Zahyin, but these are by no means psalms that will lead one beside still waters to restore the soul, the way the Biblical variety can.