
Singled Out: Michelle LeBlanc's Highway

Country singer Michelle LeBlanc is releasing her debut EP "A Man Like You" tomorrow (March 2nd) and to celebrate we asked her to tell us the story behind the song "Highway." Here is the story:

I wrote this song the first night I moved to Nashville. November 16th, 2016. I showed up to my new (sight unseen) apartment with an air mattress, two suitcases, and a guitar. The rest of my stuff wasn't arriving from NYC for another two weeks. I had driven all day, found my local wine store (because... priorities), and finally showed up to this empty space in this new town where I basically knew no one... having left my whole life up to that point behind me�

Backstory... There was this guy I left behind in NYC. Well, I didn't really leave him behind. He was never mine. But we were meant to know each other. No doubt about it. I think we both knew it. The synchronicity was ridiculous... you wouldn't believe me if I told you. Anyway, I think maybe we both kept scaring each other away. Or maybe I'm just crazy... still not sure. But crazy or not, I honestly always thought something would happen between us, and in my fantasy, we would move to Nashville together. But there were a lot of missed opportunities between us, and at a certain point, I just couldn't hold out for him and I needed to move forward with my life. So I moved. And the night that I pulled into town, I stepped out on my balcony (which was a luxury that I never had in NYC) and in the distance, I could faintly hear the highway. I was feeling all the feelings -- I was exhilarated and scared and uncertain and pretty sad about leaving without dealing with my feelings. I was standing there wishing that maybe he would follow me down here. And then I wrote this song. A year later, I had a collection of songs ready to be recorded and "Highway" needed to be on it. It's the first song I wrote in Nashville, and it made it on my first EP. It's just a very honest song about regret and feeling like you have no control over a situation.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen for yourself and learn more about the EP right here!


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