(Radio.com) The romance that was Hiddleswift, one part Taylor Swift and one part Tom Hiddleston, wasn't long-lived, but it sure did burn bright. The pair remained notoriously tight-lipped during their courtship.
But now Hiddleston is opening up about dating the world-famous pop star in a new interview with GQ. "Taylor is an amazing woman," he said. "She's generous and kind and lovely and we had the best time."
Hiddleswift caught flack when some thought their romance was simply a publicity stunt for a music video Swift was planning on releasing in advance of her next album. But Hiddleston swears the whole thing was legit. "Of course it was real," he said.
As for the "I Heart T.S." shirt Hiddleston was photographed wearing during a July 4th party Swift hosted, he insists it wasn't his to begin with. Read more here.
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