In an announcement by the Sundance Institute, the documentary titled Bad Reputation and directed by Kevin Kerslake, takes a "look at the life of Joan Jett, from her early years as the founder of The Runaways and first meeting collaborator Kenny Laguna in 1980 to her enduring presence in pop culture as a rock 'n' roll pioneer."
This month also marked the 36th anniversary of Jett's iconic chart-topping single 'I Love Rock 'n Roll.' Joan Jett & The Blackheart's last album was 2013's Unvarnished, though she's been touring regularly, with her next shows happening in December. here.
Joan Jett Rocks T. Rex Classic On Late Night TV
Joan Jett Covers T. Rex Classic On New Tribute Album
Joan Jett Performs Classic Hit on In My Room Series
Joan Jett Auctioning Signature Gibson Guitar For COVID-19 Relief
Joan Jett Shares 'Make It Back' Isolation Video
Joan Jett Shares 'I Hate Myself For Loving You' Home Video
Alice Cooper and Joan Jett to Rock Pandemic Relief Benefit
Joan Jett Performs Light Of Day In New Home Concert Video
I Love Rock 'N' Roll Songwriter Dies From Covid-19
Joan Jett Releases 'Fresh Start' Video
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