(Classic Rock) Lars Ulrich says "nobody knows" what the future holds for the music industry - which he describes as being like "the Wild West." The Metallica drummer says the lack of predictability in the music business influences their laissez-faire approach to band activity nowadays.
Ulrich says in an interview: "I think you have to sort of accept that nobody really knows where it's going, so there has to be a lot of impulsive kind of attitudes.
"It's like a train that's moving, and you don't quite know where it's going, but you sort of try to steer it in the best way you can, realising that it may go in different places that you had no idea."
He continues: "The music business, or what's left of it, is very like the Wild West now. 15 years ago, when you put out a record, there was a particular way that you did everything. Now it's just whatever works for you." Read more here.
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