(Metal Hammer) A second trailer for Slipknot man Clown's upcoming film Officer Downe has been released. The gory clip sees the policeman in a shoot-out with a group of nuns - which ends up with one having her head blown off. Watch it below. It also follows a trailer which launched last month, and another promo which was issued in June.
The Slipknot percussionist, real name Shawn Crahan, directed the film, which is adapted from the 2010 graphic novel by Joe Casey and Chris Burnham. Starring Sons Of Anarchy's Kim Coates as the lead character, the film sees the LA super-cop resurrected time and time again through government technology to fight crime on the streets of Los Angeles.
Officer Downe also features other members of Slipknot - with Crahan saying they didn't get a free pass to appear on set. He said: "Sid Wilson's in the movie, Chris Fehn is in the movie, Corey Taylor is in the movie. They all had to apply like everyone else. Those guys all want to act and they all have a knack for it, so I'm going to take them with me for sure." Watch the trailer here.
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