(hennemusic) David Lee Roth discusses Van Halen's 2015 tour on the latest edition of The Roth Show. The singer shares some insight into his performances and the live production involved with last summer's North American run in support of "Tokyo Dome Live In Concert."
"So the question is 'is it the show or the music'", Roth begins. "When we get on the road with Van Halen this is always a pivotal question - at what point does the show distract from the music because what Van Halen is is a club band playing to a club audience on massive scale.
"You can say it's a selection of songs with a narration, I break the fourth wall constantly and talk directly to you and turn and face the camera and describe ironically what is or isn't happening - or you could look at it as a speaking one-man show with really great songs - it alternates in between the two and too much visual can distract from that."
Roth also tackles the currently hot topic of fan fiction, which is created by fans of a particular subject or theme - music artist, TV series, etc. - and has taken off since the advent of the internet as writers combine talents online. Watch the episode here.
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