
Singled Out: SixTwoSeven's Wreckless Soul

SixTwoSeven are preparing to release their Jack Endino (Nirvana) produced debut "Some Other's Day" on August 5th and to celebrate we asked frontman Greg Bilderback to tell us about the single "Wreckless Soul". Here is the story:

Wreckless Soul is really an anthem of non-conformity. It was written years ago when my son Blaeklee was just a toddler. I have never seen a child so young, already so set out to do the opposite of what the world expects. We spend so many hours in our lives conforming to rules, driving, at work, at school, in sports, all the time. I always admired the freedom Blaek lives with, honestly living free of those chains. He really does what he wants, although sometimes I'm sure it's more to piss me off than it is because he likes something, lol, there is freedom in that. I know every one of us has had the urge to walk off the job with two middle fingers up at the world just because it would feel so good. The smart one's pass on that until their circumstances allow it. But we have all been there.

We recorded the song with legendary producer Jack Endino (of Nirvana and Soundgarden fame), which was a bucket list experience in and of itself, and we sent that off to NJ to be mastered Grammy Award nominated Joe Lambert at JLM Sound. We were super pleased at how it all turned out.

For the upcoming video we wanted to capture the way our band has been shipping one another back and forth across the country to allow for this thing to work. J Danger (guitar) has been flying back and forth from Austin, TX for rehearsals, recording, video shoots, and shows, and the Machine (Keys and Back-up Vocals) has been driving down from Bellingham, nearly 3 or 4 hours each way. So the video is essentially the world's most careless delivery driver, picking us up and shipping us to one another so we can play a concert. It turned out really funny you'll definitely want to check that out when it premiers.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen for yourself here and learn more about the album right here!


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