(TeamRock Radio) Twenty One Pilots fans may face prosecution for downloading the leaked Suicide Squad song Heathens before its release date. Atlantic Records, who were forced to launch the track early, have filed a motion asking user-generated site Reddit for the IP address of the person who leaked the song. They say the track was sent out to a small sample group from within the band's label - and they believe the leaker is either a label employee, on the management team or in the band.
The petition reads: "If the poster is an Atlantic employee, he or she was a contractual and/or fiduciary duty to Atlantic not to distribute the recording to the public without Atlantic's authorization. By distributing the recording as described above, he or she would have breached his or her contract and/or fiduciary duties to Atlantic.
"If the poster is not an Atlantic employee, then he or she likely obtained the recording from an Atlantic employee, who would have breached his or her contract and/or fiduciary duties to Atlantic by providing the poster access to the recording."
Though many fans using the #TheCliqueGoesToJailParty hashtag joked about the prospect of facing a jail term for unlawfully downloading Heathens, their concerns are not without ground. According to the Recording Industry Association of America, people who make unauthorized copies of copyrighted music can be subjected to civil and criminal liability. Read more here.
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